Community Worker Job Description Template

The Community Worker job description template is a document that outlines the main duties and responsibilities of a Community Worker. This template is designed to help organizations create job descriptions that accurately reflect the skills and qualifications needed for this role. Community Workers work with individuals and groups in the local community to provide support and assistance for a range of issues, such as social welfare, healthcare, and education. If you are interested in hiring a Community Worker, using a job description template can help streamline the recruitment process and ensure that your organization finds the right person for the job.

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A community worker is responsible for helping individuals and groups within the community to enhance their well-being and participation in society. They work with people from all walks of life and provide support, guidance and resources to help them achieve positive outcomes.


  • Assess the needs of individuals and communities to identify issues and problems
  • Develop and implement strategies to address identified issues and problems
  • Provide information and support to individuals and groups to help them access services and resources
  • Create and facilitate educational programs and workshops on various topics
  • Build partnerships and networks with other community organizations and service providers
  • Advocate for community members and work to promote their rights and interests
  • Collect and analyze data to evaluate program effectiveness and outcomes


  • Bachelor's degree in social work, community development, or a related field
  • Prior experience working in a community setting
  • Strong communication, interpersonal and problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work effectively with diverse populations
  • Knowledge of community resources and services
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office and database software
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team

Working Conditions

A community worker typically works full-time hours during regular business hours, although some evening and weekend work may be required. They may work in an office environment or in the community, depending on the nature of the role. Travel within the community may also be required.


Are you looking to hire a Community Worker to join your team? Creating a job posting that accurately captures the skills and qualifications you are seeking can be challenging. However, a well-crafted job posting can attract the right candidates and set your organization up for success. Below are some tips on how to create a compelling Community Worker job posting.

Job Title and Overview

The job title and overview are the first things potential candidates will see. Make sure they accurately describe the role, and the qualifications you are seeking. Consider using phrases like "Community Worker," "Social Services Assistant," or "Community Outreach Specialist." The overview should briefly describe the responsibilities of the position such as:

  • Assist in establishing and maintaining positive relationships within the community
  • Organize and coordinate community events
  • Collect and analyze data related to community needs
  • Qualifications and Requirements

    Clearly outlining the qualifications and requirements for the position is essential in attracting the right candidate. Include details such as:

  • A degree in social work or a related field
  • Experience working in community outreach and engagement
  • Experience managing and implementing community programs
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • The ability to work independently and in a team
  • Responsibilities

    The job posting should detail the day-to-day responsibilities of the position. This section should be clear and concise, outlining the unique duties and tasks associated with the role. Some potential responsibilities to include are:

  • Conduct community outreach and engagement
  • Develop, implement and monitor community programs and events
  • Conduct assessments and analyze data to identify community needs
  • Collaborate with other organizations and stakeholders to enhance community programming
  • Benefits

    Highlighting the benefits of the position can help attract and retain top candidates. Consider including:

  • Competitive salary and benefits package
  • Opportunities for professional development and training
  • Positive and supportive work environment
  • Opportunities to make a positive impact in the community
  • Closing

    The closing of the job posting should include instructions for how to apply, the deadline to apply, and contact details for the hiring manager. Make sure to thank candidates for their interest and encourage them to apply.


    Creating a Community Worker job posting that accurately reflects the duties, expectations, and qualifications required for the role is critical in finding the right candidate. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of finding a top-quality Community Worker that will make a positive impact in your organization and the community.

    Frequently Asked Questions on Creating Community Worker Job Posting

    Community workers play a crucial role in helping people to navigate the challenges of life. From connecting people with support to promoting wellbeing and creating opportunities for positive change, this work is essential for building thriving communities. If you are looking to create a job posting for a community worker position, here are some frequently asked questions that can guide you:

    What are the qualifications for a community worker?

    Community worker role requires a combination of formal education, professional experience, and personal qualities. Some common qualifications for community workers include a degree or diploma in social work, psychology, or community development, knowledge of specialized community issues (e.g., homelessness, substance abuse), excellent communication skills, patience, resilience, and cultural sensitivity.

    What are the job duties of a community worker?

    The job duties of a community worker can vary depending on the particular role and the needs of the community. Some common tasks include conducting needs assessments and designing interventions, holding outreach events and workshops, counseling clients one-on-one or in groups, advocating for clients, and collaborating with other service providers or community groups.

    What should be included in a job posting for a community worker position?

    A job posting for a community worker position should include a job description that outlines the responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations for the role. It should also list the required and preferred qualifications, the pay rate or salary range, and the application instructions. Don't forget to add a closing date for applications.

    How can I make my job posting stand out?

    You can make your job posting stand out by highlighting the unique opportunity of working for your community organization. Your posting should emphasize the values, mission, and vision of your organization and how the community worker role contributes to these goals. Use upbeat and engaging language to create a positive impression of the job and organization.

    How can I attract diverse candidates for the role?

    You can attract diverse candidates for the role by using inclusive language and imagery in your job posting. Highlight the organization's commitment to equity and diversity, and emphasize that people from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Consider partnering with community groups and organizations that serve marginalized communities to help spread the word about your job posting.

    What should I include in the job interview for a community worker position?

    The job interview for a community worker position should assess a candidate's fit for the job and the organization. You can ask questions that test the candidate's knowledge of community issues, their ability to build rapport and trust with clients, and their approach to teamwork and collaboration. You should also evaluate the candidate's cultural sensitivity and their understanding of the organization's values.

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